Once Upon a Blog

Using Video to Motivate Others With Your Mission

Written by Jephte Jean-Claude | Apr 19, 2021 3:37:45 PM

Many business owners find themselves struggling to build an engaging workforce. It’s not easy to unite your team and inspire them to action, but employee engagement is critical for your growth and success.  

Often we talk about videos that attract customers through stories, but videos are also an effective way to unite your team and get everyone moving toward a shared mission.


Your Team Needs To Know The Mission

There’s a good chance your company has a mission statement but is it one that everyone in your organization understands? If it’s long, confusing, and unmemorable it probably isn’t motivating anyone to move forward.

Think about how your organization could transform with a driving mission that matters. Imagine how much more engaged everyone would feel if they knew the work they did every day played into an important story. When you have a clearly defined mission statement, you have more than inspiring words. You have a road map to a pre-determined destination. 

There’s no better way to communicate the excitement of the mission than through a well-crafted, motivating video.

Here’s Why It Is Important To Share Your MIssion Effectively

A recent Gallup report found that engaged employees produce better business outcomes across all industries, company sizes, and nationalities—in good economic times and bad. 

The behaviors of highly engaged businesses result in 21% greater profitability.

Gallup also reported that highly engaged business teams achieved:

  • A 10% increase in customer ratings
  • A 20% increase in sales

Your Mission Has A Story That Needs To Be Told 

The same guiding principles behind telling your brand’s story apply to building your brand mission. There are three essential elements that will keep your mission motivational, exciting, and memorable. Being exciting and memorable is how you attract people into a committed relationship with your brand. 

If you add more than these three elements, your mission statement will become uninteresting and too complicated. If you exclude any of these elements, your team will likely lack clarity and motivation and your customers may not understand the importance of their role in the mission. 

 Three Elements To Building Your Mission


There is a conflict, challenge, or problem (a villain) that your organization can overcome. The energy required from your team will need to equal the energy it takes to resist that challenge. If you don’t name the conflict, you will lose the energy, momentum, and strength behind your mission.  


For your mission to motivate your team and, by extension, your customers, it needs to answer the question:

“Where are we going together?” 

Then, everyone can wake up every morning and point in that direction: 

“We are going HERE.”  

Every job you and your team perform should move your organization toward that destination. Your mission is the compass by which all decisions are made. Defining your destination will unite everyone and keep them moving together in one direction.


Define what will be won (or lost) if you do (or do not) accomplish your mission. You have to be saving people from something. Foreshadowing the stakes puts the “why” behind your mission. It moves people toward a sense of hope.

 Put It Together And Share It With The World

Now, put it all together and commit your mission both to writing and a video. When you share your missions in a compelling way with your team, your customers, and the world everyone will wake up in the morning feeling inspired and moving in a unified direction.

We would love to help you tell your mission through the lens of great storytelling. Reach out to us and let us know if this inspired you to use video and mission to motivate and unify your team. Let’s make your business more memorable, engaging, and profitable.




Gallup analysis