Maybe you’ve been told you need videos to promote and market your product or service, yet the videos you’ve created haven’t actually moved the needle on your digital and social channels, nor have they grown your business.
Here’s a secret...
We make decisions based on the promise of how we will feel when we use or purchase a particular product.
We are all subconsciously moving through our day looking for ways to improve our life. We have pain points that we’re desperate for someone or something to solve. Humans want to see themselves as part of an emotional story that makes them feel something. Turning your videos into emotionally engaging stories will be transformational.
When considering how to turn your product or service into a story, don’t shy away from feelings you consider “negative.” Emotions are complex. If you’ve ever watched the Pixar’s movie “Inside/Out” you know that—even though Joy thought she was the most important feeling—Anger, Sadness, Disgust, and Fear were valuable in getting a response from the main character.
Human beings have a broad emotional spectrum, and our buying decisions are based on all of those feelings. Love, hate, excitement, despair, satisfaction, envy—each can all tug at the heartstrings.
Telling a good video story means connecting with human emotions
There are at least seven strong emotions that can immediately enhance your video storytelling, and not all of them are what are considered positive—but they are all powerful.
“And they lived happily ever after.” Why did every fairytale end this way? Because happiness is such a strong desire that is almost feels like a basic necessity in our lives. Happiness is an enduring motivator, and consumers will buy the promise of happiness over and over again.
#2: Trust
Transparency and shared values create trust, which is essential for a lasting emotional connection. If you are looking for loyalty from your customers, then your video story should be open and vulnerable. Authenticity and trustworthiness will increase your chances of keeping a customer for life.
#3: Sadness
This seems like the opposite of happiness, but it really runs alongside it. Empathy is lacking in our world today, so when a brand relates to someone’s hurt or pain it make a substantial impact. Some big brands are even trending toward “sad-vertising”—trying to make us cry with their video stories.
#4: Fear
This is one of the strongest emotions on the human spectrum because it helps us to survive. Fear is important to our survival instinct. However, unlike emotions like trust and happiness that aim at creating a longer human connection, fear has a short-term effect and should be used carefully in moderation.
#5: Belonging
We are born to be social creatures. That why we feel more secure and comfortable in groups and crave a sense of belonging. When we feel like we can belong to something bigger or part of a specific group, we jump at the chance to sign up. Just like sports fans follow their teams, brands make us choose a side. Are you Team Android or Team iPhone? See what I mean?
#6: Belief
We all have a strong belief system. It only takes one political debate to bring out some of our beliefs. When an organization aligns with the same values as their customer’s core beliefs, it can be incredibly persuasive. The feeling of belief ties back into both trust and belonging.
#7: Anger
Our spirit craves justice, and even the thought of injustice can stir deep feelings of anger that influence us to “get on board” and take up the cause. This kind of anger taps into our belief system and our values. It’s a feeling that promises justice will be served and people will ultimately feel freedom or protection as a result.
Here is an excellent example of a commercial that features emotions we wouldn’t typically think of as positive. Watch it and then think of how it made you feel.
Sadness, aggression, perseverance, pride, determination, anger…
“If they want to call you crazy. Fine. Show them what crazy can do. JUST DO IT.”
That’s an example of how big brands are using emotionally engaging videos to continuously move the needle and change the face of their industry.
You can do the same thing.
As Nike’s video said: Show them what crazy can do. JUST DO IT.
If you haven’t signed up for our free "CREATE YOUR STORY" video series yet—now is the time.