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Written by Jephte Jean-Claude
on April 05, 2021

Stop Losing Money Because Of This Common Misconception 

You may believe a common misconception when it comes to your marketing—especially if your business is B2B. You may think that the idea of sharing stories is needless, fluffy, and not real marketing. If that’s what you think, you are missing the most effective way to communicate your brand and probably are losing money and opportunities. 

Humans are predisposed to telling stories to make sense of our chaotic world and bring more meaning to our lives. That’s why stories a

re the first thing people are drawn to in marketing. Stories help us express empathy, connect on a deeper level, and build trust. 

Video is the best medium to generate emotions, and when you use video to tell stories you have a powerful combination that is ideal for spreading your brand message. A story told through visuals and voice is one of the most engaging things known to mankind. There’s a reason that in 2019 the global box office was worth $42.2 billion. Just as movies captivate people all around the world, your videos can attract your audience and make them more receptive to your brand.

So how do you do it? 

First, let's tackle the question of what a great brand story looks like.

The Ingredients for an Effective Brand Story

If you want to engage your audience and make them remember your brand, an effective brand story should:

Solve A Problem

Your target audience is struggling with a specific problem and if you want to tell the best brand story you start with a desire to help them solve that problem. 

Stand Out In The Crowd

Your brand story is no good if it's indistinguishable from your competition. Your story needs to uniquely represent your brand. 

Spark Emotions

Emotions ultimately drive many of our decisions. They also form connections and build trust. Your brand story should encourage your audience to laugh, cry, experience hope, or simply build positive associations with you.

Be Honest

Your audience will see right through you if you are trying to be something you're not.  Even if you can fool them for a short time, they will find out the truth about you sooner or later. So, embrace honesty and show your brand as it is. 

Now we can talk about the process of telling your brand story through video with a few actionable steps.

  3 Steps You Can Take Today to Tell Your Brand Story With Video

  1. Identify Your Audience

Your brand is powered by the desire to fix a problem, do some good, or help your customers in some way. There’s a common ground you share with your audience — you just need to dig it out.

Action Step: Collaborate with your team. Gather together and have each person write their answers to each of the following questions. 

  • Who is our target audience?
  • What is the main problem they need us to help them solve?
  • How does that problem make them feel?
  • What will their life look like if they don’t solve that problem?

Ask everyone to share their answers. Make a note of any common themes or recurring answers. This should be an open, collaborative process, so feel free to build on the responses of others and give everyone a chance to talk.

You should try to leave the session with clarity about what problem you need to solve for your audience, and maybe a few additional problems you can solve for them in the future.

  1. Uncover Your Most Helpful Solutions

Once you’ve dug into the problem(s) you can solve, you now have to go deeper into the way you can lead your customer over or around their problem.

Action Step: Collaborate with your team again in another session. First, share the main problem you want them to solve for your customer. Start with just one thing. You can always repeat this exercise later. Have each person write their answers to each of the following questions. 

  • How can our brand relate to the feelings our audience has because of this problem?
  • What can we offer to help them solve their problem?
  • Why should they trust our solution—what expertise do we have?
  • How will our solution make them feel?
  • What will their life look like after the problem is solved?

Follow the same format as the last meeting. Let everyone have an opportunity to share. You just may experience an ah-ha moment that you hadn’t considered. Dig into the emotional experience and the empathy you have for your potential customers. 

  1. Ask Your Audience To Do Something

Do you know that most customers won’t commit to your brand because either you were too pushy and asked for a commitment too soon or you never asked them to commit at all? Don’t miss the opportunity to ask someone to take the next step.

Action Step: Answer just one question this time.

  • What do we need our audience to do to move toward a more committed, loyal relationship with our brand?


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Once you’ve completed these three steps, you have all the elements you need to start crafting your brand story.

There’s No Risk In Asking For Help

It’s normal to feel both excited and overwhelmed about using storytelling to reframe your brand and connect effectively with your audience. We’re here to help. While your expertise is focused on your industry, the Creative114 team spends our days immersed in creating video stories that showcase the emotional impact of the good our clients do. We’re here to help you in any way we can. Request a free quote

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